Saturday, February 13, 2010

Special Day

So, today started out as one of those days where it was just like, UGH. I woke up with a serious hangover headache and it sucked. I thought to myself, I have a bad feeling about today... But it didn't matter. I was determined to get out today. And not only because I was bored, but because I just needed out. Being home on a Saturday is NOT fun. So my wonderful love and belt (inside joke), AH, called me up and she planned out a hang out. I got ready and realized I had some time so I killed time while doing homework and checking my mail and what not. So then it came time to go out so I went out and much to my amusement, my boyfriend, SR, and my bestie, AH, both texted me saying they would be about 15 minutes late. SUS-PI-CI-OUS! Haha, but eh, I was too cold to care. By this time my phone was dying so I walked ALL the way back home and then all the way back to run an errand for my mom then ALL the way back again. That's four times going from home, to there, to home, to there. So I was tired and cold. I took off my shoes and was sitting on my bed taking a breather when all of a sudden I get a call from a friend, JR. I was like surprised because I didn't know he was coming.

We talked on the phone and he kept asking me where exactly I was so I kind of laughed but told him. Then I could have sworn I heard someone but eh, I was cold, I was probably hearing things. So I finally make it to the meeting place and I see AH with him! I was somewhat surprised but didn't really bother to ask. So we said hi, we talked then we tried calling another friend, RG, someone who was supposed to show up but wouldn't pick up! Then we called SR and of course he told us he'd be late. We discussed which karaoke we were going to and I thought I had told him specifically that we were going to the one closest to my house so JR, AH, and I walked to that karaoke. Then when we got there and had paid, just before we started, another friend, AC, asked us where we were. We told them we were at Reeya (the name of the Karaoke place) and he freaked. They had gone to Harmony, which was like a 10 minute walk away in the cold from Reeya. I got pissed because I had to walk back for the 5th time that day! So anyhow we walked back and much to my surprise I saw SR with AC and I also saw a cute little thing set up on a table with cards and plants and that's when it hit me. IT WAS A SURPRISE! And guess what? I had ruined it! Agh! I always do this!

So yeah, I freaked a little more, just more in shame and embarassment than anything else. So we kind of sat there and they explained to me what was really going on. Apparently AH was feeling grateful for everything me and KC had done, and she wanted to give us a little something back. She found out KC couldn't come but she still wanted to do it for me so she did but plans got really wacked up. But in the end it was okay. Then later RG came and we all had fun, SR, RG, AC, JR, AH, and me I mean. Sadly though I was suffering from major headaches and I guess I took one too many painkiller pills because I was slightly woozy. Eh, I don't think I was but thats what RG said. So eh. We decided to leave after we finished and they all came to my place and we kind of just hung out there while AH and I showed the boys our diagram of doom! LOVIOSHIMA (Another inside joke from a sleepover AH and I had together a week or so ago)!! They got a kick out of that and then from there we just kind of hung out. Nothing more or less ya know?

Then they had to leave because part of the surprise was AH's mom was cooking dinner for us but sadly I got stuck at home because my parents love planning crap without me or my brother knowing. So I stayed home while everyone else left and went to go eat at AH's place. It was funny though, because as soon as I had come back inside after saying bye to the in the elevator I saw AC's hat and was like NO! So I went crazy and called RG because his number was the first one I saw on my call history and was yelling at him to not go anywhere and etc. I went out and as SOON as I opened the door I saw them there. I got surprised and felt my heart beat like 100x a minute. I crumpled to the ground and etc. Then he told me he forgot his scarf and etc. and that they had forgotten to get the little Valentine's Day presents I made them. So I gave it to them and then they FINALLY left to go eat dinner.

I ate dinner at home with my mom, grams, and my brother. Then I got bored and because I couldn't think of anything better to do I started playing computer games when they called. I picked up and they were having fun while I sat playing games and attempted to help my friend. I got kind of irritated that I was having such "fun" while they were actually having fun. Then to make things worse my mom was being a butt and yelling at me about my grades and such. So in the end I just hung up and yeah. Funny enough though, they called and talked about "kidnapping" me and taking me out for fun. This is only because they knew how bored I was but eh, that wasn't happening anytime soon. I told them no but that maybe they could come over and just chill at my place. That didn't work out so well because my parents totally beeeped at me and yeah. So now here I am blogging while my friends are having a blast. Whoopee.

Still in the end, I had a good day, if I had to rank it 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I'd give it a good solid 8. I'm really a lucky gal, I have great friends who love me! They're actually more of a family to me, hehe, so yeah. I love them. And now because I have nothing better to do I'm going to go play some more computer games... Haha...

Loving The New Addition To My Family,


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