Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today her soul was laid to rest,
Away from this miserable pest.

Yeah, I know my poetic side sucks, but its okay. Those two lines tell two different stories. One is about me saying good bye to a certain special baby, Emma Lee. She was born premature and because of organ failure she was in pain and she was dying, not even a full year old. Her parents, Pastor Eddie and his wife, decided to let their first child go and stop her pain. They turned off life support and now she is no longer a part of this world of misery. In a way I am glad for her, why? Because she never will endure the pains of life, she died pure and innocent. I am also sad for the same reason, she will never know life for what it is. She will not endure anything, she was not alive long enough to know the joys of love of friends and of a special being.

Those two lines also tell a story of a girl, who laid what was left of her heart and soul to rest away from the miserable pest called life. She was fine until all this crap started to go down in her life, she went from being a optimistic girl to a pessimistic lady. She loved life and then she had to move to a foreign country. She thought life was great until she came into highschool. She was alone and angry, God had taken her two best friends from her and left her there alone. She was mad at life. She hated Korea. Then her freshman year went into play. It was not as bad as she thought it would be but then her sophomore year began. It started with a bitter sweet relationship. Then everything went wrong. Now she hates Korea, she hates life, and she is beginning to doubt God.

Fuck it all.


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