Sunday, September 20, 2009

Diary: 9-20-09 R.I.P. Nicole Silsby

Dear Diary,

I just got devastating news today. I was talking to a friend of mine when I got this call. I ran and got the phone only to hear a piece of truely... heart breaking... news... My friend, Nicole Silsby... she died on the 3rd of July. Her family was calling all of her closest friends to let us know. I knew she'd be away in Carthage for a bit, but I didn't know that she had... died. When I asked if everyone else was handling okay her brother told me that they were pretty down... I felt terrible when he apologized for not calling sooner... I told him it was okay, that I was just glad he called... But in reality, I wish he hadn't... Some people may already know, but, I'm still pretty hung up about my friend, Jesse's, death.

The cold words that told me another one of my friends had passed on keep ringing in my head. I don't know what to do. I'm in such shock that I can't get myself to cry. I talked to her brother abit longer before he hung up. I... can't believe she's gone. Nicole was always such a strong... healthy, kind girl... And to think that she's gone... It pains me... a lot. Her brother never got to telling me what happened and so I don't know why she's gone... But I don't think I want to know, and I know I don't want to have her brother tell me...

So... I'm blogging because I don't know what else to do. I'm going to miss her... A lot... And I'm sad that she had to leave... But there's a saying that keeps coming to me when someone so kind and pure that I loved dies, "God takes the good people first." I think that might be right... But it makes me sad to think about all the good people in my life... Who might be leaving my side soon...

The Sophomore C/O 2012,


1 comment:

  1. wow kimmy, im sorry to hear about it. its hard when somebody dies. if you ever want to talk, im around.
