Friday, November 6, 2009

I Wish

Just once in my miserable excuse of a life, I wish things would be better...

I hate life so much right now. Its not really my life, I just hate all of life. I feel disgusted that God would be willing to put me in this predicament. I live with an over protective, ex-military, over organized, overly strict, father. He makes every day in my life a living hell. I wish he'd go away like he used to. I miss the days where he'd be gone weeks at a time, only being home for two to three days at max. But now he's home all the time and he doesn't have anything better to do. So he makes fun by making my brother, me, and even my mom miserable.

I hate how things at school are too. I can't do anything without getting glared at. People are making my life miserable. And being me, I'm too stupid to do anything about it. Which, I guess in turn, means I don't deserve any better treatment than I'm currently getting. Either way, my life at school is miserable. Not my grades or academically, just life and socially. I have all A's this quarter, 3 A's and 4 A+'s, which is great. But then socially... Well on one side, I'm doing great. I've made a lot of friends this year, sadly, a lot of them are leaving this year too. And for some odd reason a lot of guys seem to be attracted to me. Which is good, kind of odd, but good. Most of them are my friends but still, they like me. So I'm doing good on that side. But then, there's a population of people, mostly seniors and a few juniors, who hate me. Why? Because I dumped a senior. So for the past few days I've taken a lot of crap from a lot of people, but now its getting out of hand.

I miss having friend to go to for everything. I miss my two best friends who just happen to be in the states. I hate that I'm stuck in Korea for another two years. I hate that I can't do anything without being upset about it.

I wish I could change some things in my life...


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